My pants have been feeling tighter recently. I can still wear them, but I noticed that there were some changes. I know that I have not been keeping up with my ab exercises the way that I wanted and that I am not always consistent with my diet. I have been working out significantly and have incorporated running into my routine. Well, I finally got on the scale this morning and I was 12 pounds heavier than my lightest weight! Yikes! As my friend/sister LaShekia would say, "That is not cute!"
Yesterday, I made a commitment to use MyFitnessPal the way it is intended. I have only been half using it and the weight gain showed that. This website exists to keep people in check and it is important that I hear what it is telling me. If I don't use it efficiently, it won't be effective and I will gain weight.
While the weight gain is a bummer, I am excited about my involvement in running. I ran a complete 5K on the treadmill yesterday and walked for about 45 seconds after I got to 3.11 miles and then I began running again. I ran until I got to the 5 mile mark. It felt incredible! I am so excited with myself and it also tells me that I need to get on point with other things.
I was inspired to begin some serious Spring Cleaning yesterday and cleaned out a bunch of junk that I have been accumulating for nearly 4 years. I was finding mail from 2010! Just doing that task (it took about 3 hours) made me feel better. There is still more to do, but I am ready to do it!
So, where am I now? I made a goal several months ago to lose a total of 90 pounds. With the 12 pound weight gain, I am now 29 pounds away from that goal. This means it may take at least 15 weeks to get to my goal. Am I disappointed? Yes. Am I going to give up? Hell no! I am now more focused than ever.
What about you? Have you been derailed from a goal? If so, how have you overcome this? I'll leave you with one of my favorite "inspirational" songs.